
It is really fun and a great experience to learn a new language so quickly!

Cassandra from Summer 2018

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

I would say for new students that they should be prepared to set time outside of class to study so they don't struggle. Because I did see that problem with some fellow students who kept falling behind because they would not set time aside for studying. Overall though, it is really fun and a great experience to learn a new language so quickly!

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If you want a challenge, then this program in definitely what you’re looking for. I came into the program with very basic knowledge of Japanese and am definitely excited about how much I have improved. Learning a language isn’t instant and it takes a while to sink in, but the longer you’re here you become more motivated to utilize what you learn and to continue to progress in your studies. And all of the instructors and office staff are some of the most friendly and approachable people I have ever met. They really make the whole experience quite enjoyable!

Brenna Morlock